מיסים ועסקים בע"מ. רמי אריה, עורך דין ורואה חשבון. דורון טיקוצקי קנטור גוטמן נס עמית גרוס ושות

מדורים מקצועיים

מיסוי בינלאומי

המיסוי במדינות שונות

המיסוי בגיברלטר




Gibraltar is a British Crown Colony at the Southern tip of Spain. It is a “special status” member of the European Community. Various types of Company are possible in Gibraltar, but at this time, the Company of choice is the “ Nonresident Company”.

To qualify as a Nonresident Company, the Company is not permitted to conduct any trade or business in Gibraltar, and no Gibraltar resident may have any beneficial interest in the Company. Except for the Company Secretary and Registered Office

(see below), the Company must have no dealings with Gibraltar, and it should have a Trading/Administrative address outside Gibraltar – we can assist with this service.


Recently announced by the Government, provide that from July 1st, 2003, All Companies in Gibraltar will be ZERO tax-rated. An Annual registration fee of £300 p.a. will be paid by companies with income or £150 where no income.

Requirements for Nonresident Companies

  1. Minimum issued and paid up Share Capital of £100.

  2. Registered Office/Agent in Gibraltar is required – we provide this service.

  3. The Company Secretary must be a resident of Gibraltar – we provide Secretary.

  4. Director must be a nonresident. Nominee Directors permitted – we provide this service. Sole Director & Corporate Directors permitted.

5. One Nominee Shareholder permitted. We provide this service.

6. Disclosure: The Annual Return to Registrar of Companies includes details of Shareholders and Directors. The use of nominees can protect privacy.


The Gibraltar Nonresident Company is exempt from payment of taxes, but an Annual Filing Fee of £31 is payable. See above regarding planned Tax Reform changes.

Cost of Gibraltar Nonresident Company

Incorporation – including preparation and filing of formation documents, stamp duty, registration fees & Corporate Seal - US$1,150

Registered Office for 1st and subsequent years – US$1250 perannum. Services provided include maintaining Company records, preparation and filing of annual return and providing Company Secretary.


Nominee Director can be provided for US$950 p.a.

Nominee Shareholder can be provided for US$500 p.a.

Non-resident trading address can be provided for $750 p.a.

Additional Optional Services will be quoted upon request.

Important Note: The above shall not be construed as professional counseling with respect to tax planning and structures. Every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy. Nevertheless, all information given must be verified at the time of Company Formation and/or request for provision of any Services. It is also subject to change without prior notice.

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